
Assorted bits of self-referential audio

AVJam (29 Sep, Berlin, reactive audio et al) Rone - L(OO)PING (four bonus tracks) Tripping up people speaking by echoing their words back at them with a 0.1 second delay

Self-referential music workshop

  Music That Listens to Itself "The underlying idea is to produce music that, so to speak, listens to itself. This would be music that employs techniques to revisit itself — repurposes itself — as it proceeds. From reverb to echo to tape loops to granular synthesis to accessing a buffer, various techniques serve such a compositional and performance purpose. Consider a means to achieve this result."  


In celebration of its 30th birthday, Agora Nomic is currently holding a tournament involving a short-term copy of itself . The contestants can potentially achieve a win in the main game by achieving secret goals in the copy, such as achieving wins there, getting rules added or removed, or getting part of the rules into a stuck state. Anyone can become a player in the copy by subscribing to its mailing list and sending a message saying "I become a player", even if they're not (yet) a player in the original. There has been unofficial discussion of assigning contest goals to those who join during this stage.

Mastodon verification


Based on the name alone

  Elijax - Loops


  Nomic  is awfully abstract to wrap your head around if you haven't actually tried it. One option is to join one anyway and just see how it goes. Another is to look at Fluxx , a much simpler game that still lets you play around with having the rules change out from under you in the middle of the game. Fluxx starts with one Basic Rule ("Draw 1, Play 1") and no way to win (yet), and has four basic types of cards: Keepers. When you play them, they stay in front of you until some card says otherwise. ("Milk", "Cookies", "The Sun", "The Moon", "Television".) Actions. When you play them, you do what they say, then they get discarded. ("Steal a Keeper". "Take Another Turn." "Rules Reset".) Goals. When you play them, they become the way to win. ("Milk and Cookies": If you get those two Keepers in front of you - or if you already had them in front of you - then you win.) Any p